We're probably the only parliament that ends all its sessions with arms around each others' shoulders singing.

The youth involved in Ontario Youth Parliament are really what make it such a powerful experience. When you step inside the House at OYP for the first time, you will be surrounded by unfamiliar faces—over a hundred excited and engaged teenagers with their own perspectives and ideas. Throughout the weekend, faces will become names and names will become friends. You will debate, laugh, inspire and be inspired by countless other people your age.

You will also have a phenomenal time.

We know because we've seen it happen for decades. Most newcomers arrive at OYP knowing few people or sometimes none at all. But meeting other delegates is far from scary; before you even reach the host church, you'll have easily made friends and been welcomed into the parliament experience.

Many of our delegates say that some of their strongest friendships are with people they met at parliament. We're not surprised. At OYP, we make every effort to create the most dynamic group atmosphere possible, and design our weekend to be a powerful social experience for each and every delegate. Social events occur throughout the weekend. There's more than debate in the House; you will pump each other up with group games at Morning Wake-Ups, share stories over meals, and break it down on the dance floor..

And hey, if you're shy or introverted, don't worry—lots of delegates are. We create an environment that welcomes all new delegates wholeheartedly into its midst. You don't have to get on the bus fearlessly or be the loudest delegate in the House. But we guarantee that by the end of the weekend, your lungs will fill with air and you will have cheers shouting from your heart.

This is OYP. Every year, delegates challenge themselves and build confidence. Memories echo with debate and laughter. Strong friendships are forged and never forgotten.