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OYP 2024 Banquet

The banquet will be held Sunday, Feb 18th at the Best Western Hotel in Cobourg, from 5-9 pm.

Please purchase your tickets by Feb 1st.

You can eTransfer $55 per ticket to Include the name of each guest that will be attending in the message.


Fill in this form to pay with PayPal or a credit/debit card.

Stay in Touch

Fill out our Alumni Survey so that you can be kept up to date with what's going on in OYP. If you're in touch with other alumni, let them know that we'd love to keep in touch.

You can also stay informed by joining the Ontario Youth Parliament Facebook group and by following us on Twitter.


The generous financial donations from our alumni help ensure that OYP can offer enriching, engaging and often life-changing program to generations of youth. As a registered charity, we can issue tax receipts for your donation.  Check out our Donations page for more info.

write the History of OYP

Ontario Youth Parliament has over 50 years of incredible history. We need your help memorializing that history and preserving it for the next 50 years.

Please consult the OYP Living History document and see if you can fill in any blanks. Information for updates can be sent to

Spread the Word

Let others know about what an amazing experience OYP is. Contact the Registrar if you want brochures or posters to distribute in your area.